4 Reasons Why I Hate The Term Friend Zone

Have you been annoyed by something that happened a while back yet to this day it still makes your blood boil? Well that's basically the reason behind me writing this post.

I have lost count of the amount of times I was told I was "friend-zoning" someone but if you're one of the lucky ones who have never heard of this term before then I'll leave the definition of it below:


friend zone

Now please don't get this confused with someone who has genuine feelings and is disappointed because that's a completely normal way to feel. No, this term solely applies when said person only pretends to be friends with another person to get something out of it in the long run i.e. sex.

If you're someone who doesn't think this is problematic then my four reasons for hating it might make you want to have a rethink.

6 Upcoming Films to Watch This Year

Despite some of the obstacles we're already having to face this year, we've managed to make it through the first two months of 2017 and that's an achievement on its own. One way I like to escape from reality, and all the chaos going on, is to put on a good film and raid my sweet cupboard. This year I'm going to take it up a notch by going to the cinema more often and with there being so many new releases to choose from, I don't think I'm going to find it very difficult to find something interesting to watch.

Here are just a few awesome films we've got coming up over the next six months that you may want to add to your watch list!

films to watch in 2017

The Honest Italian, Balham

It's rare for me to go out for dinner on a weekday but last Wednesday was the first time in a while that I made an exception as I was invited to visit The Honest Italian* and try out their menu. I'm always on the lookout for new places to go in London so how could I say no? I even managed to turn it into a dinner date and bring my boyfriend with me because I'm nice like that *insert smug face emoji* so we decided to meet after work and head to the restaurant together.

the honest italian

Living with Marfan Syndrome | Shona's Story

If I said the words 'Marfan Syndrome' to you I imagine you would probably tilt your head in confusion and wonder to what I just said, for me though those words are a huge part of my everyday life. I've grown up with Marfan which also means that I've grown up dealing with confused doctors who haven't heard of my condition or random members of the public who want to know why I use a wheelchair/powerchair. You get used to things like that when you have a long term condition or disability but it doesn't mean that it gets easier when you see a doctor and they have no idea how to help you.

At this point you're probably wondering what Marfan Syndrome is and why I'm telling you about it! Quite simply it is a rare genetic connective tissue disorder and February is the awareness month for it, hence why I'm here telling you all about it! Awareness months are so important, especially for rare conditions, as you get the opportunity to spread the word and educate people, including medical professionals. Ever since Marfan caused my health decline in my teens I've dedicated as much time as possible to raising awareness, whether that be through my blog or volunteer charity work.

Goodbye 2016 & Hello 2017

I didn't find it very difficult to say goodbye to 2016 and I know I wouldn't have been the only one feeling this way because let's be honest, it was a pretty rough year! I won't dwell on the negatives as I would much rather look back on the things that made me happy, what I've achieved and be grateful about the fact that 2016 wasn't all bad.. So let's get started!

It's Time For A Catch Up


Have you missed me? And yes it really has been a long time since I posted on here or done anything blogging related. Honestly we would be here all day if I went into every little detail about why this has come to happen so I've decided not to do that this time.

  • I'm not going to apologise.
  • I'm not going to call myself a terrible blogger.
  • I'm not going to wallow in self-pity and quit blogging for good.

So instead of doing any of that nonsense, I'll finish my cup of tea before it gets cold *tick* and let you in on what I've been up to while I've been away. Thank god October was an interesting month for me otherwise I would have nothing to write about for this post haha!

© Ali Caitrin

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