A Long Overdue Book Haul

Helloo Everyone,

It feels like it's been way too long since I've done a book haul right? I just looked and the last book haul I done was at the beginning of August which is just not acceptable! I decided gathered all the books I got in the months of August, September and October to show you because who doesn't like a book haul, or any haul in fact? Well I promise it'll be a good one so sit back and relax while you have a nosy at the fabulous books below!

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

How Much Land Does a Man Need by Leo Tolstoy

Both of these are from the Penguin books 80th anniversary collection because I just can't get enough of them! The first one talks about "one of the most important political theories ever formulated" and the second one includes short stories about greed, charity and death. I can't be the only one that's drawn to those? Well they both definitely caught my attention and at 80p each, I couldn't resist!

A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf

I'm about to start reading this as we speak so I don't want to give too much away as I'm thinking of writing a review after I've finished. All I'll say for now is that it's a feminist essay based on lectures delivered at Newnham College and Girton College in 1928 however the narrator is fictional so I'm interested to see how that turns out!

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

Yay another classic book to add to my collection! Apart from me being fan of reading dystopian fiction, my reason for getting this book was because of the great reviews. Obviously I wouldn't have bought it if didn't at least a little bit of interest in it but I genuinely felt like I was missing out by not reading it, call me crazy!

3 Parts Mad by Sarah Docker and Josh Moorby

I follow Sarah on Twitter so when I saw that she had released a comic with Josh, I couldn't not check it out! It's a fascinating combination of short stories, poetry and artwork so if you're a comicbook fan like me and you're looking for your next read I would highly recommend this unique thing. You can tell how much hard work they put into it so take my word for it when it's worth it!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Illustrated Edition by J K Rowling and Jim Kay

Yes I did buy the illustrated version of the first Harry Potter book, you can't be THAT surprise? That week the book was published, my friend asked me what the difference was and I think I answered it perfectly: one book has a great story and the other has a great story with beautiful drawings. Enough said!

Well that's three months worth of book hauls squeezed into one post so I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know in the comments what books you've bought recently because I'm ALWAYS looking for new reads and I'll be back soon with a new festive post :)

Ali Caitrin


  1. I've been lusting over that Harry Potter book since it came out, even had it in my hands the other day... trying to resist haha

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Oh go spoil yourself ;) haha well I hope you get your hands on it soon because it's B-E-A-UTIFUL!

  2. Can we see a blog post about Harry Potter illustrated book ?

    1. Oo I never thought to do that! You know what, I might just do it ;)

  3. I have just bought the latest in the Millenium series (The girl with the dragon tattoo) and Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited because Ive waited ages for this to be released hehe! xxx

    1. Awhh it's always nice when you finally get your hands on books you've been waiting for :D You'll have to let me know what you think PLEASE!xx

  4. How do you showcase your book collection in your home?? I'd love to see all of the books you own and how you organize them in your space :D Thanks for sharing!

    XO, danyellbailey.com

    1. Oh that's a good question ;) I'll definitely have to do a post on my book collection in the new year!!

  5. You've reminded me to get that Harry Potter book and I do love 1984, I need to pull it out of the bookcase and have a read of it again!x

    1. You should really get the Harry Potter book because the illustrations are amazing, Jim Kay is so talented!

  6. I've held the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Illustrated Edition in my hands, but I didn't buy it. I really don't know why I didn't. It so gorgeous!

    xx Izzy | Qthee


  7. Great haul! I need that harry potter book!

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x

  8. Such a great haul! I'm a big fan of Virginia Woolf but haven't read 'A Room of One's Own'. I'm looking forward to your review!


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