Turning 21

Helloo Everyone,

Birthdays are strange, don't you think? We don't even need to do anything significant and we'll all celebrate being another 365 days older? To be fair, I love any excuse to do something exciting but still haha! Not to say I didn't enjoy my 21st because it was really great day, it's just when you think really deep into it birthday's are odd. Anyway like I said it was a great day and you could even say eventful so I thought I would share what I did with you lovely readers! How are you all by the way? I haven't asked you this in a while so let me know!

It was an early start for me as I had to get up at 5:45AM which may seem normal for most people but I don't even have to get up that early for work so it was a bit of a shock to the system haha! So after opening some birthday cards and presents in bed, having a quick shower and eating some breakfast it was time for me and my mum to head to Milton Keynes. Why Milton Keynes you may ask? WELL with me being a computer geek (major understatement) my mum had suggested a while back that we go and visit the Bletchley Park museum so I thought why not? If you haven't heard of Bletchley Park before, it's a historical computing museum which was previously the UK's Government Code and Cypher School now dedicated to all the men and women codebreakers like Alan Turing during World War II.

I'm going to say sorry now for the lack of photos because out of the 100s that I took, these were the only ones I liked haha! Plus I didn't take any in the evening but you'll find out why later.

Seriously how cool is this bike? These were used by the 'Despatch Riders' who would collect and send messages to the Government Code and Cypher School’s secret headquarters!

We were quite lucky as well because the weather was GREAT! Can you tell?

This is a slate statue of the famous computer scientist Alan Turing by Artist Stephen Kettle.

There's not a lot I can say about this apart from BOOKS BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS!

I'm assuming most of you have seen or at least heard of The Imitation Game film, you know the one with Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley? Well there was a little exhibition of some of the things from behind of the scenes of the movie like costumes, props and even a replica of the Bombe machine prototype. Well I find it interesting anyway haha!

This is The Tea Room in the mansion where we went for tea and cake! We were the one of the first people in there hence why it looks empty haha and I do kind of regret yet again not taking a photo before I started eating but you know that's all over. Also you'll just have to take my word for it when I say it was really nice!

I think the photo above is the only one I took on my birthday, I was trying on some World War II uniform so I asked my friend to take a photo of me just for the memories, you have to at least take one photo right?

As you can see, we spent a good few hours at the museum as there was so much to see and we stopped for lunch but you would not believe the traffic we got stuck in on the way back! It was meant to take us 1 hour and 15 mins and instead it took us over 3 hours because of an accident on the motorway.. by the time we eventually got back home I had a real bad headache so I was just being lazy for an hour or more till it passed. Luckily it didn't last very long so it meant I could spend some time with family, friends and my boyfriend which was lovely but I decided not to take any more photos partly because there wasn't much to take anyway! Overall, I really enjoyed myself and it was nice to do something geeky for my birthday hehe!

So what does it feel like to finally be 21? I don't feel that different to be honest and I definitely haven't grown up anymore so that's a plus! What is the one thing you'd love to do for your birthday, or have you had that birthday already? Let me know in the comments because I'd love to know the fun and crazy things you've done to celebrate! I'll be back soon with a new book post but for now it's toodaloo!

Ali Caitrin


  1. Happy Belated birthday Ali!! Mine is today so we basically twins :) Hope you had a wonderful day and may the rest of the year live up to your special day!

    Nihaad - The little blog of STUFF

    1. Awh thanks and Happy Birthday Nihaad, I hope you've had a great day too :D

  2. Happy belated birthday! I am glad you had a really good day x


    1. Thank you, it really was great. So glad I decided to go on my birthday too hehe!

  3. I hope you had a wonderful birthday :) it looks like you had a lovely time, I adore visiting museums! Xxx

    1. Museums are great, definitely underrated in my opinion!! and thank you Nikki :)

  4. How cool that you went to a museum for your birthday! I'm still going to wish you a happy belated birthday!! For my 21st I took some of my friends to a pole fitness class, no joke. It was so much fun and a great workout.

    xx Izzy

    1. Oh wow that's amazing, I hope you had a great time!! I know right, I was worried people would think I was weird so really glad you agree it's cool ;)

  5. I'm going to be 25 next birthday. 25 seems an unbelievable grown-up age to me, and it is strange to think about. I remember back to being 21 and I can't believe how much I've changed and all the things I've done haha. Anyway, it looks like you had a great birthday! xx

    The Persephone Complex

    1. I really have a great day :) and I can't imagine me changing at 25 but I'm sure I will, not too much though haha!


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