2015 So Far & What's Next

Helloo Everyone,

Can you believe it's July already? This year is going back so quick. I wish it would slow down because I can't keep up haha! It's been a bit of a crazy year for me with it being very up and down to say the least but overall it has been a good 6 months. I wanted to do a wrap up of the year by sharing with you my current highlights and let you in on what I've got planned for the rest of the year so let's get started!

Getting My First Full Time Job

I dropped out of university in December last year just before Christmas (it's a long story, I explained my reasons here) and by the new year I had my first 'adult' job as an administrator. It was a temp job so I was only there for a couple of months however it got me some office experience built my confidence which was what I needed the most! I got to have a load of tea too so can't complain hehe!

Attending My First THREE Blogger Events

I wasn't sure if I would even go to one blogger event this year because I was so nervous, I finally I did it though! The first one was #SLBloggerBash in April, the Urban Food Festival meet up in May then just a few weeks ago I went to the #BloggingGalsParty at Anesis Spa. What a lucky girl I am right?

I Finally Visited Harry Potter Studios

This was seriously one of the best days of my life! I managed to drag two of my uni friends with me and we didn't want to leave! I'm planning to go back maybe some time next year but for those that haven't been yet here is a sneak peek of this magical place!

Winning Tickets to BeautyCon London

Thanks to Liz Earle and one of my favourite YouTubers Helen Anderson, I got to go to the first BeautyCon in London in May and it was a great day out! If you want to know more about what I got up to and who I met (the photo is a big hint) I done a post on it here.

It's been a roller coaster of a year so far with a billion things not going to plan as well as some unexpected and spontaneous trips in between so if you think about it, it's not been too bad! There's still plenty of exciting things to come so not to worry..

Turning 21

I have no solid plans for my birthday so I'll either be having a lazy girly day/night in or I'll do something wild and crazy, probably the first one but I'll keep you posted.

Travelling (Hopefully)

If you saw my travel bucket list for this year then you'd know that I wanted to go to a couple of places this year but that involves money and time that I don't know right so I won't be able to go till later on in the year.. I'll make it if it kills me in the process because I'm determined haha!

Completing My Reading Challenge

As part of my new years resolution I set myself a target of reading 25 books this year. I know that might not sound much but I didn't want to set it too high and fail, I'm being sensible for once! According to Goodreads I'm already 4 books ahead of target so you never know maybe I could end up reading more books than I thought?

More Blogger Events and a Holiday?!

I've got even more blogger events coming up including #BloggerFestival and #BigBloggerConference which both sound amazing and guess what? I'M GOING ON A HOLIDAY WITH BLOGGERS FOR CHRISTMAS! This is going to be a whole new experience for me but I know it'll be a blast!

Ali Caitrin Turns 1

That's right, my blog will officially be 1 in November, weird right? It'll sound really cliché what I'm about to say but it really is unreal to think I would have only been blogging for a year because it feels like forever, in a good way of course! I MAY or MAY NOT do a competition on here for my lovely readers to celebrate but nothing's confirmed yet so we'll have to see nearer the time.

I know it may not seem like I have loads of plans yet but who's fulled booked 6 months in advance? Not me anyway hehe! So how's 2015 been for you so far, anything exciting happened or fun plans coming up? Share it with the world aka comment below! I hope you liked getting to know me more and seeing what my year has been like, I'll see you next time :)

Ali Caitrin


  1. A blogger christmas holiday! that sounds awesome! :O can't wait to see you soon :)

    Em xx

    1. I can't wait to meet you either, the day will be so much fun :D x

  2. I can relate so much to this post. So far, this year has been a total ride and there's 6 more months to go! I'm half way through the alphabet because of all my failed plans. >.< Nothing is going the way I expected but still, I have been on many interesting journeys. :) You missy, have been quite lucky this year. Were you excited or scared on your first day at work?

    Olive Needs Popeye

    1. Yeah this year hasn't gone to plan with me either but some great things have happened too so it's evened out ;)
      And to answer your question, I was SO nervous for my first day of work and that week was up and down for me but I managed to sort it out once I took a step back!

  3. I think this is a fantastic premise for a post - it's very easy to panic when you realise the year is halfway over, so reflecting on all the amazing things that have happened is a good way to combat that panic! So much can change in less than a year and it's crazy to look back on how far you've come :)

    Here's to the next six months, I love forward to reading all about them!

    Hannah Simpson Writes

    1. It is nice to reflect but I still find it weird that we're over half way through the year, I swear it was Christmas recently hahaha! I will definitely be doing another post like this at the end of the year so I hope you enjoy that one too ;)

  4. Really enjoyed reading this, sounds an incredible year so far and lots to look forward to! Jel of the Harry Potter studios! X

    1. Thank you Hannah I'm glad you liked it, and yes the Harry Potter Studios is amazing so if you're a harry potter fan you need to go trust me haha ;)

  5. I love this idea for a post! It's so easy to feel like you haven't done anything for the first half of the year, but then when you go back and think you realise how much you've accomplished :')


    1. It was such a last minute post I wrote but I'm happy that I done it, and that you like it ;) It's weird too because I thought I'd barely done anything this year until I wrote the post hehe!

  6. I like the most in this post is the design of your blog, can you share your secret of this coding behind this blog?

    Mohinder Paul Verma

    1. I got the template from http://www.pipdig.co/products/premade-blogger-templates/ if you're interested in one like this!


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