My Lush Skincare Collection

lush skincare

It's been way too long since I spoke about Lush which means it's probably about time I updated you on the products I've been using - specifically skincare. I rave about their bath bombs and bubble bars a lot (as you do, they are pretty amazing after all) which won't be changing any time soon but I do feel like their skincare gets overlooked which is why I'm going to shine a light on the four products my face has been loving!

Thoughts I Have While Tidying Up

thoughts while tidying up

Afters weeks of trying to avoid the massive pit I call my bedroom I finally decided it was time to do a massive clean out and although I'm glad it's over and done with, it was not an easy task. It takes me about an hour just to get myself motivated to tidy and even then I end up getting distract in some way i.e. lay in bed and scroll through social media. A lot of thoughts were going through my mind while I was slowly making progress round my room and I've listed a few of them below for your amusement!

Five Signs That Your Cat Loves You

The subtle ways that cats communicate with us are admittedly weird at times. Okay yeah they sleep a lot and like being waited on hand and foot like royalty but you should never underestimate how much they need you; you're their human! Don't believe me? Well here are five signs that show your cat loves you more than you know!


feeling uninspired

The one funny thing to come out of me having no inspiration over the past few months is that I came to realise I used to have ideas. Not just ideas, good ideas. I was actually creative - and that's one thing I never thought I would say! Whenever I spoke to someone about creativity my normal response was either "I wish I was more creative" or "My imagination is close to non-existent" and by thinking like this I was restricting myself without even realising. I had already told myself I couldn't do it so of course I wasn't going to bother trying as I had written myself off from doing anything remotely original. But hey we all make mistakes right?

Looking After Our Furry Friends

look after catsPostcard from Paperchase

Cats are one of the best companions a person can have but they're also quite complex creatures. It doesn't matter whether you get a kitten or an adult cat as they both need to be looked after to ensure they're happy and healthy. As I've had a few cats myself, I thought I would share my top tips so if you're looking for some advice on how to be the best cat parent you can be then keep on reading!

Things That Annoy Me

things that annoy me

Let's be realistic - there are some things in life whether they're big or small that just get on our nerves. You know, those pet peeves that drive you up the wall? We've all got them and I've listed eight of my own below that will never stop being annoying! Maybe you'll be able to relate to a few of them.

© Ali Caitrin

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