Secret Santa with George

Helloo Everyone,

November has come to an end and that can only mean one thing.. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! I must be on the nice list this year because I got to take part in this great campaign to do a blogger secret santa with George at Asda. When I got the email from Talented Talkers asking if I was up for the challenge, I had to do a little dance because it just sounded too freaking good to miss out on! So once we found out which blogger we were partnered with, it was time to stalk their blog and social media accounts to get to know them so we could pick the perfect gifts to suit them! I was so relieved when my secret santa said in their post that they liked the gifts I've picked for her and now it's my turn!

Excuse the odd photos, it was my first time taking outfit photos with my new tripod so please be nice haha!

Disney Minnie Mouse Dressing Gown

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this on my blog before but I'm a huge Disney fan! To the extend that I could probably have a whole post solely why I love it so much (maybe another time)! As well as that, I was actually in need of a dressing gown. Well I didn't know I need one till I realised that although I love my cat onesie, it's not always practical so this solves the problem perfectly! FYI I've been wearing my dressing gown every night since I got it now that's dedication right there.

Faux Fur Snood

I never would have thought of buying a snood if I'm completely honest but now I have one I feel like I've been missing out! I only have one scarf which is my tartan one from New Look and as that doesn't go with all my outfits I now have got another wardrobe essential to tick off the list, aren't I a lucky lady? Another thing, the faux fur feels SO SOFT!

Yankee Candle - Holiday Magic

Confession time: I love candles but it's been years since I last had one. Okay the main reason for that was because we weren't allowed them in university halls and after that I just hadn't got one since so when I realised my secret Santa had picked the perfect festive candle for me I was pretty chuffed! The only way I can describe the smell is "homely and cinnamony" sorry that's the best I've got! It's the perfect Christmas scent if that's what you're wondering.

I must admit my secret Santa done a great job, especially if she didn't know me beforehand so thank you whoever you are! A big thank you to George at Asda for making this amazing campaign possible and to Talent Talkers for being the hard-working elves that got this all running smoothly, you should all be on Santa's nice list!

Are you taking part in a secret Santa this year, if so how's it going? Also comment below saying what you're most looking forward to this Christmas because I want to know and I'll be back soon with another Christmassy post most likely. GO GO GO!

Ali Caitrin


  1. Gorgeous gifts, I love the snood and I know this post isn't about the dress you wore with the snood but it is gorgeous!

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. They really are, I'm so happy with them :D and the dress is from Lady V London if you're interested!

  2. Those gifts are really nice :) I love Yankee candles and that snood looks really warm and comfy. I've never done Secret Santa but it sounds like a lot of fun :)

    1. Oh you should definitely get some friends together and try it because it's so much fun and just a different way of gift giving :)

  3. Such cute items that dressing gown his lovely!

    1. The dressing gown is great, I'm wearing it all the time at home haha!

  4. Such an amazing idea to do a blogger Secret Santa! I'd find that so exciting trying to get good presents for the other person!!

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x

    1. It was wasn't it? I haven't done a secret Santa for a couple of years so I was so excited to do it again, I love gift giving hehe!

  5. Your secret Santa chose well! Where is the black dress from? You look stunning! <3

    Check out my Christmas giveaway |

    1. They did so well!
      Awh thank you Lauren and the dress is from Lady V London :)

  6. What an amazing campaign! You're so lucky to have been involved! I think you described the candle perfectly tbh, I'm sold anyway.. ;-) and that scarf looks amazing and soft, I've never owned a snood either but now I feel like I'm missing out... D:

    1. I know I'm so grateful that they asked me to be involved :D
      Haha I'm glad I described it good enough, I was really sure how to at first!

  7. Ohhh! I love what you got!! Your secret Santa definitely did an amazing work!

    Be | lovefrombe

    1. I'm so happy with them and I agree they done good ;)

  8. Such nice presents! And such a nice idea!

    1. It really is a nice idea, it's just something different to do during Christmas and it's fun :)

  9. Ohh awesome gifts, that dressing gown looks epic. I love a big thick dressing gown for this wintery weather! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Yeah it genuinely is the perfect dressing gown for winter because it's thick and really freaking comfortable hehe!

  10. this is such a cute idea!! Love secret santas <3

    1. I hadn't done a secret Santa for a while so it was really nice to do it again :)


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