My Everyday Bag Essentials

Helloo Everyone,

I was at work the other day and one of my co-workers complimented me on my bag and asked me where I got it from which was a nice surprise (it's from Accessorize by the way - it's no longer available but the link for a very similar one from Accessorize is here) then I went on to talk about how I seem to fill my bag with all this stuff but they are things I use all the time; I don't want to go out without them because it'll be the one day I decide not the bring it that I need it the most *story of my life*! So I thought I'd give you a sneak peek into what I have in my everyday bag that I can't go out without!

#1 Keys

Unless I want to be locked out these are definitely needed! Plus my key has smileys are over it how cool is that?

#2 Purse

Whether it's money, ID or even gift cards it's all in my lovely purse, that my two friends got me for my birthday last year, so it's in my bag permanently hehe!

#3 Phone with headphones

Who doesn't have a phone these days? But my headphones are also quite useful when I want to listen or watch something and I don't want to disturb everyone else on the train/bus. I highly doubt they'd appreciate blasting out some YouTubers video haha!

#4 Portable Charger

This has been an absolute life-saver! I got it as a christmas present from my boyfriend (very much appreciated) because I'm the type of person who goes out without fully charging my phone and later on that horrible feeling comes around when you realise your phone battery is about to die *sad face emoji* so knowing that I can charge my phone and not have to rush home to charge it is just amazing.. HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE!

#5 Notebook and Pen

I tend to get blog ideas when I'm out and about so having a notebook and pen to write everything down as become soo useful! I recently got given a filofax too by my sister so I think I'm going to start using that soon for stuff like work, uni, shopping lists etc. I know I know I can use my phone to do all of this but I'm a bit of a stationary nerd and it's also nice to take a break from technology and use pen and paper, who agrees with me? I know I'm not the only one hehe!

#6 Hand Moisturiser

My hands seem to get really dry for some reason so one day I bought one of those mini nivea hand moisturisers and have carried on buying them over since. It also smells really nice!

#7 Hair Tie/Pins

For those times when your hair is just not co-operating and you need some help to keep it under control. With this crazy thick curly hair I need it!

#8 A Snack

It's always good to bring a little something to eat just in case!

#9 Touchup Makeup

That moment when you go to the bath and realise that your lipstick is really all gone and your face can do with a little powder haha! I don't really wear makeup that often if I'm honest, it's either just the mascara and lippy if it's a normal day but if I go out at night (which isn't too often) I will go all out with the makeup! Either way it helps to carry

#10 Book or Kindle

I get so annoyed with myself if I'm travelling by public transport on my own and I forget to bring the current book I'm reading and/or my Kindle! This is one of my essentials that I really don't like forgetting, and with me being a bookworm and all this is mandatory not just in my bag but everywhere I go haha!

#11 Camera

Sometimes taking a photo from my iPhone just isn't enough especially for blog posts or even just when I'm out with friend and family, I prefer to have better quality. I decided at the beginning of this year to buy myself a camera, nothing really big and fancy just something I can put in my bag that'll still make my pictures look good! I even bought a cute case for it that was only a couple of pound from Tiger, what a bargain!

#12 Oyster Card

With me living in London now I've become accustom to using London transport like the underground and red buses where it's either cheaper to use an oyster card or in the case of buses where they are now cash-free I'd be silly not to use it! Don't get me wrong, this is the thing I forget the most out of all my essentials but I am human, I can get away with forgetting things a few times haha!

I will be honest and say this isn't all that's in my bag, like I said these are just the essentials! One day it can be really tidy and the next there'll be sweet wrappers, train tickets and I've even found a tea bag in there before haha! So what are your bag essentials, is there something that you just can't go out without? Gimme a comment below just in case I've missed something that you think is important! I hope you've enjoyed this post, I didn't want to do a normal 'What's in my bag' so I thought this would be more me! But I'll see you next time for another bookish post (or two) :)

Ali Caitrin


  1. I love these kind of posts (mostly because I am so bloody nosey!) I wish I had one bag I carried everyday I can imagine the amount of crap I would build up! xx

    1. Well I'm glad you like it, it's always good to have a nosey ;)
      Yeah I had to take out off the rubbish before I took a picture of all the essentials, in a few months or more I'll do a what's in my bag like a realistic one everyone can see all the other stuff that I have to carry daily haha!

  2. i've been looking for a new bag, yours is really cute! i carry mostly the same things :)

    danielle | avec danielle

    1. Awh thank you :D Yeah I can imagine every carries different things, but it's nice to see what everyone does and doesn't bring with them just either to be nosey or to see what's missing from your own ;) haha!

  3. Your everyday bag is so cute!! I Love it! I pretty much carry the same things as you, I guess its really common for most people. I realise you don't bring a water bottle around - neither do i! But a lot of people do, and they think its weird that i don't!

    X, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel

    1. Awh thanks, I never really shopped in Accessorize but I saw this bag and I needed a backpack anyway so I thought why not? :P
      Oh god yeah didn't think of a bottle of water how bad is that haha! For some reason I never do, maybe I should because it seems like it could be helpful? I'll keep it in mind ;)

  4. That looks like a really efficient bag! I carry all sorts of rubbish in mine, I've also found teabags in there! I'm trying to keep my bag a bit more tidy now I'm not on tour. I didn't know London buses were cashless now - what do tourists do?

    1. It's never a bad thing to find a teabag ;) I got it from a hotel room I was staying in but when I found it a while later I was like where the hell did that come from haha!
      Yeah they became cashless sometime last year I think? They can buy a vistor oyster card either online before they get here or buy a travel card while they're here lol :)

  5. Replies
    1. Awh thank you, I'm really glad you like it :D


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