June TBR

june tbr books ali caitrin

Helloo Everyone,

Finally I get to do another book post, I felt like I hadn't done one in ages! Sadly there was no book haul last month because well, I didn't actually buy any books.. How sad is that? Money is tight at the moment with me not having a job so I have to keep an eye on what I spend! But that doesn't mean I can't read the books I already have right? So with that being said, the books I've decided to read this month are all books that have been on my bookself for sooo long but never managed to read. I'm quite excited actually because I hate looking at books I own and see what many of them I haven't read.. BOOKS ARE TO BE READ NOT TO BE SAT ON A SELF THE WHOLE TIME! Um.. what was I saying?

#1 The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I know I'm so behind on this one as a lot of people have already watched the movies and probably read the books too but I never got into it like everyone else did for some reason? I bought the triology a couple of months ago and I haven't touched them ever since so I thought it was time I'd give it ago, and then if I like this one I can read the next one and so on!

#2 The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

This is another book that just got pushed back

#3 Sane New World by Ruby Wax

This is the book I'm most looking forward to reading this month!

#4 #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso

When I first bought this book I was so excited to read but I got put off reading it because of some of the reviews I read and I know what you're going to say, "I shouldn't judge it until I've read it myself" so that's what I'm going to do! I'm going to go in with an open mind and see for myself what it's like.

Do you have Goodreads? If so you can check out all my books at https://www.goodreads.com/profile/alicaitrin

*I am an Amazon affiliate and get a small cut from every purchase made through my link*

Ali Caitrin


  1. Woo lots of good books on here! The Hunger Games are a good easy read so I'm sure that you will fly through them! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Oo thank you Jasmin :) The Hunger Games seems to be a popular choice and I'm about to start reading it so I hope so hehe!

  2. Great choices there! I totally feel you with the money being tight issue, there are just SO MANY books I want to buy though :( The Hunger Games are great, I hope you enjoy them! :) xx

    1. I've been feeling like that lately, it's so hard not to buy any so I can't wait till I have a job and able to buy some books here and there when I like hehe :P

  3. I was never a huge fan of the Hunger Games. I read the first book, and enjoyed it. Tried reading the second one, but ended up not finishing after reading two chapters. I haven't seen the movies either. My heart must be for Divergent only! haha :)

    Meredith @ A Book Lover's Corner

    1. Divergent seems quite cool actually, they're on my wish list but I haven't got the books yet! It's a shame that you didn't like The Hunger Games, it took me a while to decide to read it so I do hope I like it, even if it's only a little bit haha :)

  4. Great choices, I would pick hunger games to read first but if you're anything like me you might struggle not to read the sequels right away! I've also read ruby wax's book, but it took me ages to finish, I found it really all over the place, and despite being a psych grad I found the science-y bits interesting but not really appropriate at times? Hope you get on well, I'm stuck in a bit of a reading slump at the mo!

    1. Oo that's interesting about Ruby Wax's book, we'll see if I feel the same too lol!
      Awh that's a shame but I hope you get back to reading soon :)


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