Helloo Everyone,

May has now arrived (well we're nearly half way through the month but let's just skip that) so it's time for another to-be-read post! I'm only planning to read 3 books this month because when I tried to read 4 books in April I struggled with me being so busy, I think I was being a bit optimistic as I managed to read more books in March than expected so if I read one or two more books than that this time it'll just a bonus haha! Well I better get started with the 3 lucky books I've chosen this month:

#1 Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandlel

I had been eyeing up this book for a while but I never 100% sure what it was about so it took me coming across it randomly on Goodreads. I've also decided to leave this book till last because it seems like something I would need to give 100% of my attention to; the story goes back and forth in time focusing on relationships, fame and the world itself. Exciting or what?

#2 All My Friends are Superheroes by Andrew Kaufman

This book does seem like a right laugh to read with a dash of romance! It centers around Tom who (hence the title) has friends who all have superheroes, he married one of them called 'The Perfectionist' but her ex, Hypno, hypnotized her to believe that Tom is gone but really he's just invisible to her. Tom has to try and convince her in some way that he's still around before she moves to Vancouver and it's too late! I was just about to say I'll let you know what happens but I won't do that because that's a MASSIVE spoiler so I'll let you know my views on the book next month instead!

#3 The Great Fire of London by Samuel Pepys

I bought this back in March alongside two other books from Penguin's 80 little black classics and it was a random pick from that collection. This book is a part of Samuel's diary that he had written during the Great Fire in 1666 so although it's not like anything I've ever read before I'm still very intrigued by it. I can't imagine me forgetting about it any time soon and I haven't even started it yet haha!

And that's a wrap! Sorry I just had to say it for some reason haha! What was I saying? Oh yeah! It's only a small to-be-read pile this month but you never know I could go over that target, I'm already 3 books ahead of schedule for my 2015 reading challenge on Goodreads *insert smug face* plus it's quality over quantity right? Now over to you my lovely readers; let me know in the comments what books you're reading! I hope you enjoyed this week's book post and I'll see you next time :)

Do you have Goodreads? If so you can check out all my books at

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Ali Caitrin


  1. those books sounds great.I'm going to check them out. Thanks for sharing
    The Color Palette

    1. You're welcome, I'm glad you like them :)

  2. I have been dying to read both Station Eleven and All My Friends are Superheros! It's great to hear your feedback to steer me towards them even more!

    Em |

    1. I will DEFINITELY be doing a wrap up at the end of the month so I will let you know what I think of them darling hehe :D

  3. These books sound great. I haven't heard of any of them but they all look interesting - especially All My Friends Are Superheroes!

    Meet Me in Midtown

    1. Yeah I hadn't heard of that book either it was a youtuber I follow that recommended it and it just sounded funny so I thought I'd give it a go I love new reads :)

  4. These books sound and look like the perfect read, I'll definitely be picking these up x

    1. You definitely should! I know Station Eleven is the more well known book out of the 3 books but I'm hoping the other will be just as good to read too hehe :P


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